1) Biblical input and doctrine
Urgency of the gospel and the need for Door-to-door in our context
We have just had our gospel story series and in it we have an explanation for the way the world is now, but also the wonderful solution to sin and death. That alone should fill loving people with urgency to allow the people around us to have the same explanation and the same hope. But especially when we consider how that series finished in Revelation we have got to be fired up to do what we can to give the gospel to others.
Let me read yesterday’s passage again Revelation 20v11-21v8. There is such urgency in what we do as a local church. Imagine sitting in your front room and watching small children playing on the busy road. And all you do is just sit. It shouldn’t happen, it is the opposite of love isn’t it?People need the chance to turn to Jesus in repentance and faith – they need the chance to have their name written in the book of life!But far more importantly than that, God deserves his name to be glorified and lifted high – Jesus is the victor, the winner – what incredible salvation he has won for us, what amazing grace we have delighted in these last 4 weeks as we have gone from Genesis to Revelation. We MUST want to speak of him to others even if it costs.
But there is a problem in this area: The problem faced by the pub landlord and the church pastor – people’s doors are firmly shut, their lives are firmly mapped out. We are both a self-contented culture happy with what we have achieved for ourselves and we are a fearful culture who don’t want whatever security we have managed to forge for ourselves to be disturbed. The gospel and church is a very disruptive thing – no way are people going to come flocking IN to us, so we need to find good ways of going OUT to them.
Let’s watch a short video that I like on the question of God and suffering. I like the video partly because it shows a variety of angles a question on suffering can be answered from but more than that I like it because it reminds me that there are people in the houses around Riverside wrestling with questions like this and perhaps if we were to go to the door we would be able to point them to Jesus in their trials.
Door-to-door could be a wonderful God-exalting, sinner-saving ministry for you to be involved in. So what are our aims in doing it?
Our aims for door-to-door
Of course the big aim is to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ and reaching lost people with the gospel – but it is not a stand-alone ministry, it is to feed into our whole church life in the following ways;
- Warm contact with our church so that people know we are here (explain how even the refusal texts do that job)
- A chance for significant gospel conversations with people on the doors
- A way of better understanding the people around us so that we can better bring the gospel to them
- A chance to invite to church, our ministries events coming up.
- Internally: a way of increasing our love for and dependence on Jesus. A way of growing us in prayer and boldness. A way of allowing us to bear a cost that will bring a blessing.
2) Practical strategy
‘Warm-calling’ rather than ‘cold-calling’: in the week before a letter is delivered to all the houses we plan to visit. The letter explains who we are, what we are trying to do, when we will be calling and how to get in touch if you don’t want us to call (or if you are really keen for us to call).
Dear Neighbour
We are Christians from a local church called Christ Church Riverside (who meet each week in Parkstone Primary School) who want to get to know the people who live all around us. That’s why we’ve decided to visit each home in our community. We’re planning to knock on your door for a quick chat sometime between 3.00-4.30PM this coming Sunday afternoon (26th January).
We are aware that people get fed up of religious groups and door-to-door salesmen who seem to only want to get their pre-packaged message across. We would like to be different and are keen to hear about you and the things that concern you.
But it may be that you really don’t want us to visit you. In that case, please just email or text me(details below) telling us your address, and we’ll leave you alone (we will not keep any of your details either). If you don’t want a visit but have questions you would like us to try to answer then feel free to put those in an email or a text.
We are planning to visit a lot of houses on your street, so if you would quite like a visit, let us know (email or text again) so we can make sure that we come and see you and don’t run out of time.
We look forward to seeing you soon,
With very best wishes
Pete Birnie
Pastor, Christ Church Riverside Hull
Email address to contact: visiting@riversidechurchhull.org.uk
Pastor’s phone number: 07773967975
Church Website: www.christchurchriverside.org.uk
The letter means: People are warned and can say no. People know who we are. PERMISSION! (Even when they haven’t read it we start off on a good foot because we have tried to be polite!)
On the day: We will meet at our house at 2.30pm and have a time of prayer. Then we will drive to the area where letters have been delivered to and in pairs we will knock on a door.
When we go to the first door (and every door after that) we will simply say something like this;
The 3 F’s.
“We’re from CC Riverside, a local church that meets every Sunday in Parkstone Primary School. I hope you received a letter saying you’d get a knock on your door at about this time. This is it! We want to get to know people in our area and give people a chance to know who we are. Have you lived here long?”
- F1 - Facts. If you ask a factual question you are more likely to get an answer. If people are asked how long they’ve lived in a place, it’s an easy reply... and you’re on your way. That question of course opens the way into other ‘supplementaries’. If they’ve only just moved in, where did they live before? What made them move? It may be possible to ask if it’s handy for work... and what work they do? You could ask them about how they relax. Their answer may reveal their idols… or just what they enjoy!
- F2 - Friends/Family. ‘Do you have close friends and family nearby?’ This is where you discover the extent of their relational base. ‘Who do you turn to when the things are hard?’ When asked with a smile, the answers are revealing.
- F3 - Faith. ‘You’ll know we’re from a local church. DO you have a faith yourself? Have you ever gone to a church or have you avoided them like the plague? What do you think about God? What do think will happen to you when you die?
Remember to speak with gentleness and respect. Don't ask questions like, ‘What do you think will happen to you when you die?’ unless it seems appropriate.Depending how you go, you can invite them to come to church if they’d like to. You can offer to pray for them there and then.
When you think the conversation is at an end or is no longer very useful, then finish with, “It has been lovely to meet you, thanks a lot for talking, can I give you this invite to our Sunday services and to this event that is coming up soon?”
Facts, friends, faith (Rahj last night!)
3) Q+A/comment time using role-play scenarios
Chance for questions/comments from people
Some role-plays and what we might do/say
1. “I’m not that religious”
2. Mum… screaming baby… harassed…
3. Drunk / stoned man
4. Elderly
5. Angry
6. Non-English speaker
4) Practical steps
- Use the “3 F” framework in your conversations over the coming weeks.
- Pray about door-to-door evangelism and whether God might be prodding you to get involved
- Come on the 17th and you can pair up with someone else and just watch and listen if you want
- 17th October, 21st November, 16th January, 20th February, 20th March, 17th April, 15th May, 19th June, 17th July
Suggestions and comments before we finish
Close in prayer