You can't worship from afar - Matthew 2:1-12

This is a sermon by Abraham Overvoorde from the Riverside Church service on 5th January 2025.

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You Can’t Worship from Afar – Matthew 2



Intro: How would we respond to royalty coming to visit?



  • Living in Darkness (v1-8)


Magi -> Persian Priest and Astrologer? King?



  • How they came and from where?



  • At what cost?



  • Who were they looking for but did they really know? (Micah 6)



Are you living in darkness?



How far are we prepared to go for Jesus and at what cost?




  • Worshiping in the Light (v9-12)



  • The Maji were seeking



  • The star caused them to be overjoyed




  • They bowed down and worshipped the Messiah (Return of the King – Hobbits)




  • They gave him their treasures

“they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures”






What treasures are we willing to give back to God?




Tim Keller: “Every treasure on this earth says, ‘Give your life to purchase me.’ Jesus says ‘I’m the one treasure who died to purchase you’.”


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