Good news of great joy - Luke 2:1-20

This is a sermon by Chris Finney from the Riverside Church service on 22nd December 2024.

Click here to read the bible passage (opens in new window).

Intro: Superman (Kal-El) and his disguise (Clark Kent)
1)    An Historical Account (v1-3)
Caesar Augustus

An Orderly Account (Luke 1:1-4)

Fact-based faith

2)    The Humble Birth of the Promised Hero (v4-6)

Just 8: 1 in 1017

Fulfilled at birth:
•    He would be from the line of Jacob [Numbers 24:17]
•    He would be born from the family of Jesse; and be called a Nazarene [Isaiah 11:1; Matt 2:23]: Shoot / Young Branch: Netzer; Nazareth: Netzeret
•    He would be David’s kingly heir; Branch; called the Lord Our Righteous Saviour [Jeremiah 23:5–6]
•    He would be born in Bethlehem [Micah 5:2]
•    He would be born of a virgin [Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:22-3]
•    He would be killed before the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem which happened in 70AD [Daniel 9:24-7]
The Manger – Humble Origins
•    Highest to lowest (v12-14)

3)    His True Identity (v8-14)

Good news of great joy

Titles (v11):
•    King (town of David)
•    Saviour
•    Messiah
•    Lord
•    Shepherd of Israel [Micah 5:4]?

4)    Hurrying to See Him (v15-20)

The real treasure – “When they had seen him” (v17)

Three good responses:
•    The shepherds spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child
•    Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart 
•    The shepherds returned glorifying and praising God.

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