Mission 2 begins - Acts 15:36 - 16:40

This is a sermon by Peter Birnie from the Riverside Church service on 10th November 2024.

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Today’s sermon: Acts 15v36-16v40 “Mission 2 begins”

Intro: Christians are about God’s glory rather than their own comfort


       1) The gospel needs to capture our hearts (15v36-16v5)


Questions about John-Mark’s heart

  • Desertion?
  • Too high a standard for a volunteer?
  • How do you view your partnership in the gospel right now?


Clear signs of what is going on in Timothy’s heart

  • Spoken well of
  • Prepared to be uncomfortable for the sake of the gospel
  • Individual people matter in God’s gospel plan. YOU matter.


                 2) God opens hearts to the gospel (16v6-15)


*Challenge: ask an unbeliever this week what they think they most need*

Lydia is ready to hear the gospel

  • The Lord opened her heart (Salvation is God’s work)


  • To respond to Paul’s message (Telling the gospel is our privilege)


Keep your heart committed, your eyes peeled and your tongue bold!


               3) Gospel hearts shine brightly in dark places (16v16-40)


The darkness of sin – men who see people as commodities


The unmissable brightness of gospel joy – “What must I do to be saved?”


Run to Jesus and ask him to;

-Make you a Timothy with a committed heart
-Help you look out for Lydias with open hearts
-Enable you to copy Paul and Silas with a joyful heart
-Grow your expectations of seeing jailor’s hearts


Memory verse: Acts 16v30-31

“’Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ They replied ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.’”


Life Group Questions:

  • Read 15v36-16v5. What do you think of John-Marks return home being called desertion?
  • How do you view your gospel partnership in our church family? Is your heart eager and committed like Timothy’s?
  • Read 16v11-15. “The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.” How is this verse a great encouragement to evangelism?
  • Read 16v25-34. When does light shine brightest? What dark situations are you in and how might you shine brightly?

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