The goal of friendship - Colossians 4
This is a sermon by Peter Birnie from the Riverside Church service on 15th September 2024.
Click here to read the bible passage (opens in new window).
Today’s sermon Colossians 4 “The goal of friendship”
Intro: Help me!
1) Help me love Jesus with your affection
As the Spirit works in us we will grow in affection for our brothers and sisters
- Dear Friends
- Comfort
- Warm welcomes
- Personal Greetings
Application 1: Contend in this area by using your words to build your friends up and to grow the affection you have for one another
2) Help me love Jesus with your encouragement
- Faithful Ministers
- Fellow Servants
- Fellow Prisoners
- Fellow Workers
What is the order? Service and affection
Example in action; “Tell Archippus …”
Application 2: Contend in this area by finding ways of serving God and his people alongside your friends
3) Help me love Jesus with your prayer
Epaphras: Wrestling in prayer leading to maturity and assurance!
Jeremiah 29v7 – the power of prayer.
Application 3: Since friendship and prayer is key to discipleship then pray with your friends and pray for your friends!
Gospel friendship (which helps us to love Jesus more) =
Time + serving together (trials and joys) + prayer
Memory verse: Colossians 4v12
“He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.”
Life Group questions:
Read Colossians 4
- How can our words help affection grow in our friendships? Do you communicate love and appreciation to your friends?
- How does serving together build friendship? How does having friends help you serve? What areas of service can you think of?
- How powerful is prayer (read Jeremiah 29v4-7)? Do you pray together when you meet up with your Christian friends? Do you wrestle in prayer for your friends to mature and be assured?
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