Be satisfied by God - Exodus 16

This is a sermon by Peter Birnie from the Riverside Church service on 25th August 2024.

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Today’s sermon: Exodus 16 “Be Satisfied by God”

Intro: The 3 monkeys statue – Manna in a jar.


1) Look at the bread and refuse to grumble (v1-8)


“In the desert the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron … If only we had died by the LORD’s hand in Egypt!”


  • Grumbling so widespread (the whole community)


  • Grumbling so selfish and ungrateful


  • Yet God’s response is so graceful; “Then the LORD said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you.”



The gospel is not transactional – God pours his grace upon his people and we are to be changed by this, we are to respond with confidence and thanks.



2) Look at the bread and be stirred up to trust (v9-20)


“I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.”


  • Gather the right amount for each person


  • Don’t store any for tomorrow


God is teaching his people that HE will always be enough for them – because we can’t see God with our eyes, we must take him at his word.  


3) Look at the bread and be satisfied by God (v21-36)


A big barrier to being satisfied in God – our culture screams loudly that we need so much stuff to be happy, but;


  • God gives us rhythms and patterns to bring us into close relationship with him
  • Every morning feed on the bread of life (spend time in God’s word close to Jesus)
  • Every week we are to leave the cares of this world and especially gather together near our saviour


Let us learn to love our God more and more – he is eternally satisfying.


Memory verse: Exodus 16v33

“Take a jar and put an omer of manna in it. Then place it before the LORD to be kept for generations to come.”


Questions to chew on:

  • Read v1-8. Where do you see grumbling in your own life? In our church family? Why is grumbling so out of place for a Christian?
  • Read v 9-20. How did God’s instructions test God’s people? Where in your life right now do you need to trust that God will provide?
  • Read v 21-36. What does our culture think you need to be satisfied? What rhythms and patterns do you have in your life that build your relationship with God? Why does Sunday matter so much?
  • There is no charge for our sermon recordings, but if you'd like to help with our costs, please make a donation.

    Copyright information: The sermon recordings are copyright and are available for personal use only. Sermon media provided by Christ Church Network. If you wish to use them in other ways, please contact us for permission.