A Sanctifying Prayer - Philippians 1:9-11
This is a sermon by Richard Hawes from the evening service on 15th September 2024.
Click here to read the bible passage. Click here to use larger text.
An audio recording of this sermon is available.

Philippians 1:9-11: A Sanctifying Prayer
Love’s Abundance 1:9a
Loves’s Wisdom 1:9b
Love’s Movement 1:10a
Love’s Purity 1:10b
Love’s Preparation 1:10c
Love’s Produce 1:11a-b
Love’s Goal 1:11c
What active steps are you taking to abound more and more in Love, Knowledge & Depth of Insight?
Where are you moving on the scale of ‘Good’, ‘Better’, & ‘Best’ in your Christian Walk and your Christian Service?
How does it encourage you that your ‘spiritual growth’ (sanctification) is a partnership between you AND the Holy Spirit?
Copyright information: The sermon texts are copyright and are available for personal use only. Sermon media provided by Christ Church Network. If you wish to use them in other ways, please contact us for permission.