Model Gospel Partners - Philippians 2:19-30

This is a sermon by Adam Johnston from the evening service on 3rd November 2024.

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Model Gospel Partners– Philippians 2:19-30


What do we look for in a role model?


1. Role Model 1: Timothy (vv. 19-24)


Timothy is exemplary for two reasons:

  • He shows a genuine concern for others
  • His character has been proven under trial


2. Role Model 2: Epaphroditus (vv. 25-30)


Epaphroditus lives out those two reasons that Timothy was so exemplary. His life was marked by a genuine concern for Paul and the Philippians. His character meant he was committed to serving Christ even at the risk of his own life.



Questions for us? What do you look for in a role model? Who are the people you want to be like? Who in church do you look up to? Why? What does Paul commend Timothy for in verse 20? How does Timothy show genuine concern for others? How might you grow in showing genuine concern for the people in your life? How does Paul commend Timothy in verse 22? How do you get a proven character? What might a character that is tested and proven look like compared to a character that is tested and found faulty? How can we grow in that? What does Paul commend Epaphroditus for? How can we show honour to people like Epaphroditus? What does it look like for you to grow in these characteristics?

Copyright information: The sermon texts are copyright and are available for personal use only. Sermon media provided by Christ Church Network. If you wish to use them in other ways, please contact us for permission.