Protecting the mission - Acts 15:1-35

This is a sermon by Tim Davies from the Riverside Church service on 3rd November 2024.

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“Protecting the Mission”

Intro: Key verses v9 (no discrimination) and v11 (grace alone saves)



  • Paul and Barnabas’ extraordinary missionary trip.


  • There are always people who don’t like the gospel spreading (v1-2)



  • Hateful people (v1-5)






  • Humble people (v6-19)


  • Peter
    • God chose that the Gentiles should hear the gospel (v7)
    • God gave the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles (v8)
    • God gave the Gentiles faith (v9)


  • Paul and Barnabas
    • They witnessed God’s work among the Gentiles (v12)


  • James
    • Showed that what Peter said was Biblical (v13-18)
    • Concluded the council (v19).



  • Helpful people (v20-21)







  • We must be solidly and totally inflexible on the gospel of Jesus and the Bible


  • We must be totally flexible about everything else



Questions to chew over:

  • Do you believe that it is by faith alone in Jesus that a person can be saved? Why is it so easy to want to add extra things in?
  • In verses 6-19, list all the different arguments and evidences that the gospel is at work among the Gentiles.
  • Verses 20-21 are helpful as we think about gospel freedom – there are many things we are free to do as believers in Jesus but when should we happily restrict our own freedoms for the good of others? 

Memory verse: Acts 15v11

 “We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.”

My own questions for later:



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