The reality of the trials faced by overcomers - Revelation 6

This is a sermon by Peter Birnie from the Riverside Church service on 28th January 2024.

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Rev 6 “The Reality of the trials facing the Overcomers”

Intro: The Witness Way, the Martyr’s Path


1) The path leads straight through the suffering of a judged world


This present world is under God’s judgement:

  • Seal 1: Conquest
  • Seal 2: War
  • Seal 3: Famine and shortage
  • Seal 4: Death, death, death


This is what our present world is like – but as the 7’s in Revelation play out (7 seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Bowls), this is what we are to expect to see more and more of. Until it is Complete.


But also, as Christians stay faithful to Jesus, as they remain on the path of witness, God will continue to build his Church!


2) The path leads straight through the opposition and persecution from a rebellious world


In this present world, God’s people will be hated:

  • Seal 5: Martyrs

The 3 ‘yes’s’ that led to execution


The fundamental answer to suffering – God ordains it.

Are we WITNESSING faithfully as a church family?

3) The path is absolutely secure and leads to eternal victory


  • Seal 6: The day of the Lord being ushered in.


The end of the road for unbelievers; “For the great day of their wrath has come and who can withstand it?”


The destination for believers; Revelation 7 Sealed and Safe forever.


Life Group Questions:

1) Read Rev 6 v 1-6. Does our world look like this now? Why can Christians not avoid this suffering?

2) Read Rev 6 v 7-8. What different answers are there to why God’s people are persecuted? What is the fundamental answer?

3) Read Rev 6 v 12-17. Where does the path of unbelievers end? Read Rev 7 v 9-17. Where does our path end?






Memory verse: Revelation 7 v 9

“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”

Questions for later:



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