Finding Christ Church Riverside

On Sunday mornings Christ Church Riverside normally meets in Parkstone Primary School. Some of our other events are in the Riverside Community Centre next to the school.

Please contact us if you need help getting to any of these venues.


Parkstone Primary School and Riverside Community Centre, Parkstone Road, HU6 7DE. There is limited car parking available in the car park next to the Riverside Community Centre, with further parking on Stanbury Road a short walk away. J-Club and ABC take place in the Community Centre.

For some of our events we join with our networked churches in the Christ Church Network. Sunday Evening services are held at St Mary's College (Sixth Form building, Inglemire Lane entrance), HU6 7TN.

Occasionally events are held in the Christ Church Centre, Beverley Road HU6 7LG at the Beverley Road / Clough Road crossroads. Park on Beresford Avenue or the other nearby side streets. (This building says "Christ Church Newland" on the front of it).